For my final project I decided to make a Sorting Waste Machine for Recycling.At the begining ,the idea was vague ,I didn't decide the exact function
,but every week I learn
about the given topic and I add a bit by bit details to the project's vision.I chose this topic as I saw this as an opurtunity
to express my ideas freely ,also I wanted to use
this platform to highlight a problem ,contribut even by small fraction to the solution.
I chose to make this machine to take 10 inputs at a a time and categorize item per item into four divisions:Glass,Plastic and paper
,Metal,Organic waste.
Design Iterations
The mechanical design for the machine plays an essential part whether for the filtering phase or the sorting phase.Once I put the constraint
that I want to put 10 items at a time I began drafting a mechanism for the sorting phase. It went through many iterations as shown below.
And the filtering mechanism:
As for the electronics I integrated it in the assignments,I made :
1) PCB for Sensor as the master:for the sorting of waste.
2)PCB for stepper motor:to rotate the plates.
3)PCB for the servos:to open and close the plates.
4) PCB for LCD:user interface.
5)Power PCB:to supply the power for the rest of the PCB's.
I printed the parts and assembled it as shown in the images and videos below: